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درس 0 از سری دروس صوتی آموزش زبان انگلیسی

سلام هم محله ای های عزیز. کیفا کوکه یا نه؟ خوب عزیزان، از قدیم گفتند: الوعده وفا. طبق قولی که داده بودم، اولین درس را از سری دروس صوتی آموزش زبان انگلیسی برای شما عزیزان آماده کردم. لطفاً خوب به درس گوش دهید و آن را بارها و بارها تکرار و تمرین کنید. منتظر نظرها و پیشنهادهای سازنده شما هستم. باشد که هم چرخ محله بچرخد هم چرخ ما. درس 0 را می توانید از اینجا دریافت نمایید. نظر فراموش نشود. یا حق.
زبان خارجی

why mistakes are ok?

hi. how are you doing today? are you having a good day? I’m doing fine. today I’m back to tel you another rule for english learning. do you think that mistakes are bad? if your answer is afirmativ, think again! focusing on mistakes will make you feel stressed, board and nurvous. on the other hand, most teachers and professors focus on mistakes. they correct mistakes. they worry about mistakes. that’s why students educated in schools and universities feel stressed and nurvous when speaking english. even native speakers make mistakes when speaking! so focusing on mistakes is wrong. me, myself, make a lot of mistakes when speaking english. your mistakes
زبان خارجی

list of english learning resources for you

hi. how are you doing today? are you having a good day? today we want to talk about list of useful resources for learning english. AJ hoge, the director of the  effortless english” system, has made 3 good resources for learning english. his website, “effortless english club.com”, his blog and his podcasts. but their is another english learning resource made by him. the website contains a lot of mp3 audio files made by mr. hoge. it also has a short video of him talking about online english learning. here is the link to this website: www.squidoo.com/learn-english-online. enjoy. have a great day.